Message Number: YG963 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Jaclyn
Date: 2001-03-09 07:47:00 UTC
Subject: Trevor/Buzz - Insulinoma (was Re: Kif's vet visit)

Hi Vicki,
Other than that Buzz looks just like my Fred, and weighs as much as a
moose, the red "underglow" is exactly what Trevor does.
He hasn't had any low blood sugar episodes since the surgery two
years ago. He's been lightly ill with a cold a few times, but is
generally quite healthy. I expected to lose him long before Kiffy,
but he's really holding his own. I do worry though now, as he and
Kif were best of buddies. They had been together for four years now
and Trevor, I'm afraid, may go downhill without him.
I'm getting off-topic here.
Trev's red episode's lasted about 10-20 minutes. He's had two, that
I know of. They've both occurred while he was out playing.
Does the redness signify any internal trouble? Should I have his
blood sugar tested? As, I said, he has not crashed or had any other
insulinoma symptoms since the surgery. (And, hey, I know what to
look for, I'm
I appreciate you sending the photos, they're a good reference for us
all and they helped me in particular.
Thanks again, Vicki.
(P.S. to all of you who wrote me about Kiffy, I'll respond. I'm
just having trouble talking/writing about it now. I can't see
straight after a few sentences. Please bear with me. He was my
first ferret, he'd been with me all through college and flight
school...I was/am SO attached.)

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., ferretfanatic <ferretfanatic@h...>
> I disagree with the vet on ferrets turning red with insulinoma.
> Attached is 2 pictures of Buzz with advanced insulinoma, he is
> definitely red in both.
> Jaclyn wrote:
> > 2) Trevor wasn't definately not turning red from insulinoma.
> >
> > with insulinoma crash. They don't turn red. The red was a
symptom of
> >
> > an allergen. (again, I disagree.)
> --
> Vicki L. Henderson-aka-Ferret Fanatic
> Woody, Miss Tizzy, Ginger Snap, General Kaos & Taylor!
> Tygger-The Great Anti-Ferret!
> Sadly missing "Buzz" & "Jinx"-who will be in our hearts forever.
> The Fearless FLO!
> Ferret Holiday Hammocks:
> Ferret Xmas Ornaments:
> ICQ: 11898312