Message Number: YG9652 | New FHL Archives Search
From: sukieferret
Date: 2001-12-31 12:00:00 UTC
Subject: Re: I'm perplexed - please help

Many thanks for the clarification!

*IF* the ingredients of Timmy's Tonic still include licorice and ginseng then it is counter-indicated when circulatory disease is present. I do not have a list of current ingredients to go through the refs to check for any counter-indications but do recommend that folks always remember that the general rule is that something which is strong enough to help is strong enough to harm. There are some excellent herbal references out there which tell what medications should not be given together (including which herbs should not be given together), or which medical conditions make certain approaches unsafe for a given individual -- as well as telling about uses that have research behind them and which are unproven folk uses. The single best one I have here is the _PDR for Herbal Medicines_ which really needs to be used along with a fine dictionary such as the vet med one Saunders puts out.

If there is insulinoma then don't give anything with sweets in it (except to break an unexpected seizure) once treatment has begun.