Message Number: YG9654 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Robin Sinex
Date: 2001-12-31 12:01:00 UTC
Subject: Broken Glass Treats Jar

Yesterday, Brangwyn knocked the treats jar (full of a mix of cherios,
raisens, & cut up, bulk dried fruit) off the table, and it broke when it
hit the floor. I innitially misdiagnosed where the crash came from, only
spotting the broken jar and mound of yummies after my three had had
several minutes alone with this dangerous mess. Now I'm sure the kids all
had more treats than they should have, but I'm worried that they may have
eaten some glass too. I haven't seen any blood, so we may have gotten
lucky, but is there anything else I should watch out for? I already know
that the replacement treat jar will be plastic, to prevent a repeat
performance. Is there anything I can do to prevent possible damage?

Robin Sinex.
Nevyn, Brangwyn, & Rhodry