Message Number: YG9678 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-12-31 15:07:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Cold? / Weight

In a message dated 12/31/2001 12:59:55 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

We adopted a male 2 years ago that at the time weighed 3.5lbs (he
was FAT and had been cage bound since birth) and now that he has
been playing with
others and out everyday he only weighs 3.lbs and is bounding with

This reminded me something about my albino. He is 4oz heavier than a
same size cage mate. But, he has a lot of loose skin. Is very
active, eats and sleeps normally, esp. compared to my other 7. The
albino looks like a miniature polar bear, but the vet says he's not
fat. He does have a lot of loose skin. It does take my entire fist
to scruff him, and that makes him look really fat.
Amy and the boys
God Bless America