Message Number: SG1012 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-08-24 17:18:45 UTC
Subject: Adrenal disease/vet visit
Message-ID: <4359747.1030209525968.JavaMail.root@scandium>

I took Bart to my vet yesterday. I told him that I thought he
was showing signs of adrenal disease. Loss of hair, scratching
a lot, aggressive sexual behavior, losing weight(especially thin
in upper body), drinking more water. He told me he thought it
might be allergies. I wasn't comfortable with that diagnosis,so
I asked if he had heard of the "Tennessee Panel", and asked if he
would have these tests done. He drew the blood, and the serum
was frozen and to be sent off Monday. I also spoke with him re-
garding the surgery and he told me that he does not do this parti
cular surgery, and he would refer Bart to a vet in Oklahoma City,
a Dr. C.H. Tangner. This vet has done surgeries on two of my cats and one of my dogs. I know he is an excellent surgeon, but
I don't know how much he knows about ferrets. Have any of you
heard of him? If need be, do any of you know of a "ferret know-
ledgeable vet" in the surrounding areas of Oklahoma City who
can do this surgery? Thank you. Charissa