Message Number: SG1064 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-08-28 00:32:30 UTC
Subject: RE: Melatonin Dosage
Message-ID: <15444719.1030494750311.JavaMail.root@scandium>

You have the math right. And though I have no medical reason to think this way, I'd say melatonin is melatonin is melatonin, human or ferret. So if the recommend dose is 1 mg (and that's the usual dose I've always read and recommend to others), then she needs to give her ferret 4 ml.

I seem to recall Dr. Murray saying (and don't quote me or him on on this!) that up to 3 mg can be given, so it appears there's a fair safety margin.


Author wrote:
> According to Diane, the bottle says 1mg = 4 droppers and it also says 4 droppers = 4 ml. That would mean that the dosage would be 4ml. Right?