Message Number: SG1277 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-09-04 22:49:07 UTC
Subject: RE: abnormal stomach and small intestine questions
Message-ID: <9198553.1031179747097.JavaMail.root@scandium>

Scooter is home and looks better than he usually looks after major surgery. I'll stay up while Steve sleeps then he'll stay up while I do and then he'll leave for meeting and we'll just keep spelling each other like that. Tootiepie can't have water till late tonight or food till tomorrow, but that is understandable, given what was done.

When he's stable enough he'll likley have Zantac added to his routine, or have a change of routine with Zantac since he tends to usually improve for a while each time fur balls come out.

No one knows how to call it for him with this strange stomach and now his small intestines. BTW, although something like swallowed string can ripple the intesines there wasn't any there; that was checked for. I do wonder if it could relate to a GI muscle tone loss disease.