Message Number: SG1285 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Caitlyn Martin
Date: 2002-09-04 20:18:13 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Insulinoma
Message-Id: <>

Hi, Kristen,

I am not a vet, but I have way too much experience with insulinoma and
adrenal disease.

> I wrote earlier about our older ferret George, could his excessive
> loss of hair be a symptom of Insulinoma as well?

I've never heard of that. How old is older?

> Other than surgery are there any other options?

If his hair loss is due to adrenal disease then the answer is that while
there are medical options (lupron depot, melatonin) that will reduce or
mask his symptoms, the only cure is surgery. If he has both insulinoma
and adrenal both can be treated surgically at the same time, which, of
course, means less stress for him since he'd only have to go through
surgery once.

> Vitamins,
> sugar water, specific food?

If we are talking about insulinoma (and we *don't know* that!) then he
could be treated with pediapred and that may control his symptoms for a
time. *If* it is insulinoma, and *if* he also has adrenal, and *if*
he's a good surgical candidate I'd go the surgery route if you can find
a qualified ferret vet. Medical options, particularly lupron, can get
expensive over time and don't cure anything. Adrenal disease can lead
to prostate problems and potentially deadly complications.

> Our Vet seems to be fairly inept at
> treating ferrets. If there is anyone in the Barrie, Ontario area who
> is a vet or knows of a vet familliar with smaller animals, please let
> us know.

You've already been pointed to the lists of vets. If none is in or near
Barrie I'd suggest travelling a bit. I drive an hour each way to my vet
as there is no good ferret vet in Franklin County, North Carolina. I
know some people who drive close to three hours to see our vet.
Thankfully this won't be something you'll have to do all the time. I
wouldn't let anyone who wasn't a very qualified and experienced vet
treat my ferrets, especially for major things.

All the best,
Caity and the non-stop nine