Message Number: SG1286 | New FHL Archives Search
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 2002-09-05 00:11:26 UTC
Subject: RE: bag balm and green poop
Message-ID: <13240033.1031184686650.JavaMail.root@scandium>

I'm curious, on what do people base the idea that bag balm relieves itching? I suppose, if the itchyness is caused by dry skin, it would help moisturize. Does scratching decrease noticeably?

I have several large tattoos, and apply Bag Balm every few hours for the first week or two after getting them, to aid healing. Usually, days 2-4 are accompanied by intense itching, and I've never found Bag Balm to have any affect on that at all.

It's basically lanolin, from lamb's wool, which is little more than a moisturizer with slightly antibiotic properties, right?