Message Number: SG1369 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-09-10 16:10:10 UTC
Subject: RE: Some questions
Message-ID: <17850347.1031674210216.JavaMail.root@scandium>

Hi Zach, I had a deaf girl who lived to be 6 1/2. She had a long struggle with adrenal and lymphoma. I noticed she was more touch sensitive too. She would pat and tap my legs with her paws for me to lift her and would hold on to my shoulder with one arm and let the other relax when I would carry her around. She was more detailed on opening drawers and getting into things that took more of a focused skill unlike my others who jumped on top or in and out, she would figure out how to open something or climb her way with those little paws. She was a very daring, tough, feisty girl - She was my heart, I miss her dearly.

Author wrote:
> Ok for starters I don't want to sound ignorant but what is friable intestines? The only reason why I ask is because this past Spring I lost Max my almost 4 year old mf Ferrt. He was my best friend. Anyway, we came home one day and he was very dehydrated. After several days with the vet he took a turn for the worse and she decided surgery was in order to find out what was going on. Any way when she opened him up she found his intestines to be perferated almost completely through the entire organ. It was hardly even poosible to get a sample. We then decided to put him down it was unfixable. There was no blockage and the autopsy revealed nothing conclusive. So, I am curious to hear another story similar.
> Second, My big Scooter 8 month old mf boy has been losing whiskers. I have never seen this before. He has huge whiskers on one side of his face and all the real long ones are missing from the other. I found one in the litter box yesterday. Can they just fall out. Do they come and go like hair?
> Finally on a lighter note Oz, my 8 month mf female is a panda blaze and stone deaf. I have found that she is far more tactile than the others. She loves to touch everything with her paws and mouth, far more than the others. She will sit in my lap and just paw at the water in my glass. Knowing that Ferrets are supposed to have poor eyesight it is amazing to see her investigate visualy before doing anything. Where you will find the oters hiding around a corner you'll see ozzie bean peeking around checking things out. The funny thing is she loves to Roll. She will just drop to the floor and barrel role 5-6 times in a row. She'll also do it after investigating or anticipating and when she is excited. Just wanted to share this deaf ferret info and was wondering if any parents of deaf ferts had any similar exp.