Message Number: SG1428 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-09-15 20:57:29 UTC
Subject: Strange Bowel behavior in 7 year old ferret-
Message-ID: <15730140.1032123449434.JavaMail.root@scandium>

Hi everyone,
I am going to make an appointment tomorrow for Fezziks (7yr old MF ferret) locally to see the vet--and also w/ Dr. Weiss in down MD since the vets here aren't that experienced with ferrets.
any help you can give me till I am able to get to Dr. W's would be greatly appreciated.

Just now, Fezziks was walking around the room and pooped on the floor while he is walking. This isn't the first time he has done it. He normally is about 90% in the litter box, if not in the box, the will always go right next to it--but aleast it is near the box.

Today, it was like he was walking and pooping at the same time.
Almost as if he couldn't control it. I looked at him rectum immediately afterwards-kinda like the inside popped out a little and it wasn't normal looking but now, 10 min later it is fine.

Over the past few weeks he has been more lethargic and this strange behavior has occured. Other times when it has occured he attempts to use the litter box, then jumps out when he is "done" but he continues to go as he scampers away.

He is in pretty good health otherwise. He had adrenal/insulinoma/splenectomy surgery one year ago. all biopsies came back benighn. He was diagnosed at that time w/ portal hepetitis and was being treated w/ actigal (0.1/day).

I havn't foun d anything else on the web for this. Any advice on what to look for when I go to my local vet??


End of ferrethealth Digest