Message Number: SG1500 | New FHL Archives Search
From: <>
Date: 2002-09-21 13:44:23 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] mark on Little Bits tummy
To: <>
Message-ID: <30719794.1032629091829.JavaMail.nobody@vanadium>

hello shelly this is monah1996 manager of bj and the gangs fuzzie hollow.
and that blue line that you are seeing on her tummy could be a vein showing
through or a old scar. but to make the matters safe i would get it checked
out by the vet but you need to make sure your vet is ferret knowlagable.
there are alot of vets that say they do know about ferrets but then they do
not know. i took my little monah in and she said there was nothing wrong
with him cause i found knot on him that i did not think that it should of
been there she said not to worry. got another opinion from another vet and
low and behold i was correct he did have cancer. and i caught it in time.and
this vet i took him to has had over 20 years on exotic animals and
ferrets.but to me with what you are talking about it sounds like to me it
could be a vein comming through or a previous old injury. but i would for
sure get it a ferret vet that knows ferrets. monah1996 manager of
bj and the gangs fuzzie hollow.

[excess quoting snipped by moderator]