Message Number: SG1522 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-09-24 00:48:28 UTC
Subject: heart rate drop during anesthesia
To: FHL <>
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.4.44.0209232038260.5832-100000@spinneret>


my ferret Sand went in for surgery last wed to remove a mass in his
abdomen, but after he was anesthesize his heart rate dropped, and meds
didn't bring it up, so they deem it was too risky for surgery and
brought him back out again. today he got ecg and radiographos to
determine if it might be a heart problem, and this time no pre-meds in
case those were the cause. he was under about 40 minutes, long enough
to do all the tests before his heart rate dropped. his tests are all
normal. this time he responded to meds to bring his heart rate up. my
vet is going to discuss things with a cardiologist and an
anesthesiologist, but just wondering if the vets here had dealt
with similar problems and had suggestions I can mention to my vet.

also wondering if it is too dangerous for him to have surgery,
are abdomenal masses generally benign?

// ************************************************
// Selina, Birch, Dief, Sprite, Sand and Bear
// missing Storm