Message Number: SG1540 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-09-25 00:22:25 UTC
Subject: RE: Hair loss is it always adrenal
Message-ID: <17187224.1032913345064.JavaMail.root@scandium>


I've have ferrets for about ten years, and had 5 total, (only 2 now)...2 of the previous 3 had adrenal disease. I have one now, a black eyed white, that around the time he sheds loses the hair on his belly. Because he is white and seems to lick and bite the area, he seems to crop the existing hair that is there, almost like buzzing his hair there. However new hair starts to grow within days and with in a few days, the area feels soft and grows back normal. I also notice that he seems to get hair balls, more then his sister, who does not seem to get that itchy at this time of the year and chew like he does. I've asked my and she has told me, one sometimes some are hard sheders, two, he is young to have adrenal (he is 1 and half), and three his hair grows back. Plus, this starts, just as I can see new hair starting to emerge from him and his sister. Hope this helped.