Message Number: SG1616 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-09-29 23:56:06 UTC
Subject: possible neurological problem
Message-ID: <19879213.1033343766719.JavaMail.root@scandium>

Hi folks, my first post here.
Princess is currently at the vet, and I think we need some help figuring out what her problem is. She is about 4-5 years, but could be older. SHe has always been a very skinny girl, and shivers far more than my other two.

A week ago, she exhibited some ataxia (?) - weakness in the hind legs), and severe rocking and shaking, while standing up. She got a shot of cortizone and seemed to be ok. But in the last few days, I have been concerned again.

Yesterday, she was eating strangely. She would crunch a kibble and eat it, but then she would like the bowl for awhile, and then eventually cruch another kibble - the licking seemed ok. Later that day, she took a mouthful of kibble to her stash - and that was entirely normal.

This morning at the vet, she was walking around, mostly ok, but with occassional hind end weakness - at one point her hind end did fall over. She would also occassionaly just stand, and rock backwards and forwards, as though she was going to vomit. She is poking her tongue in and out quite a lot as well.

The vet will discuss with his colleagues today about what tests or treatments we can try.

Any other suggestions will be appreciated.
