Message Number: SG1626 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-09-30 16:07:23 UTC
Subject: Stumbling in the Bathroom
Message-ID: <16614798.1033402043955.JavaMail.root@scandium>

One of my girls only shows signs of hind leg weakness when going to the bathroom. When running, her legs are fine. Now that she is on pediapred she has a heftier appetite - therefore going to the bathroom more often with a larger amount passing through. She gets frustrated while pushing to go and falls to the side somtimes falling over. Has anyone found anything that helps or has anyone devised any sort of litter box that supports them on the sides when going. She whimpers a bit as well. Her food is moistened to make it easier going through. Is this common with older ferrets to stumble while going potie? Is this part of the old age routine with them? Would it be safe to give her laxatone more than once a week to help everthing pass easier?