Message Number: SG1669 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-10-04 00:43:09 UTC
Subject: Lump near Penis
Message-ID: <18575479.1033692189671.JavaMail.root@scandium>

I was just clipping nails and noticed on one of my oldest ferrets- a lump near his penis. It has a black & blue color to it. The size is maybe like a REALLY big grape. I don't know what it could be. This poor little guy has been through so much already. He was a rescue that was suffering from insulinoma, adrenal and a very irregular spleen with no usage of his back legs for well over 4 years. He had so much removed after I took him into immediate surgery. I am worried that this is another surgery case and I remember my vet telling me that it probably wouldn't be a good idea to open him up again (but I wasn't sure if she meant insulinoma related - because a portion of his pancreas was cut out from that). If anyone has any idea of what this lump might be PLEASE let me know. I am so worried.
