"Gail Burlaka"
Date: 2002-10-15 02:19:15 UTC
Subject: insulomia surgery/lymph nodes and upset stomach (two separate ferrets)
To: <>
Message-ID: <6983654.1034695327973.JavaMail.nobody@strontium>
You can take them in an "under-seat carrier" but it usually costs you $75
extra EACH WAY. Also, most of the airlines will only allow 2 (two) animals
in the cabin so you have to be SURE you make reservations for both you and
the ferret well ahead of time.
To: Ferrethealth <>,
Fml <>
From: Gail Elsey <>
Message-id: <>
Fox's biopsy results came back. The lumps that were removed were lymph
nodes, however no cancerous cells were found. She just hat a really bad
infection. The vet said they definitely needed to be removed as they were
swollen to the point of being dangerous for rupturing. She looks good, all
bruising is gone, and seems to feel good. Don't know if it was the surgery,
but she seems fine. Now, her glucose was normal today, but was not normal
(58,48, 59)for 3 days in a row before surgery. However, her insulin level
was low. Vet says the lymph nodes were positive for lymphoconic infection?
Has to do with having an infection, and then the lymph nodes get swollen and
infected themselves, I think. Honestly, I have no clue what is going on.
All I know is that she feels better!
Timon was fine at the vets over the weekend due to a week of runny stools
and being "off." Sat. had diarrhea and presenting with rubbing the face and
possible grinding after eating or medicating w/ carafete (2.5 cc daily)
spread over the course of the day (3 times .83 cc), Sunday no diarrhea or
grinding. However, he
had it again today. Vet thinks it is either ulcers caused by
helicobacter--the common one for ferrets or his teeth, as when he called me
today, he was pawing at his teeth and rubbing his face, but only after being
medicated and fed. He heaves after medication and chicken gravy (hates it),
but is not eating much. Grrr. This is annoying me! He is supposed to go
back in Wed. if he hasn't improved.