Message Number: SG1944 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-10-22 17:20:43 UTC
Subject: RE: Temp of Lupron Shot
Message-ID: <25993991.1035307243529.JavaMail.root@scandium>

It doesn't seem likely that warming the Lupron just moments before injecting it would cause it to lose any effectiveness. After all, it warms up pretty quickly once injected into the body.

My vet takes the Lupron syringe out of the freezer and lets it warm up to room temperature, and also holds it in a closed hand to warm it even more. The warmed Lupron has always been effective with mine.

I don't know that injecting ice cold Lupron, or anything else, is actually painful, but I don't doubt it's shocking and could cause a reaction that might be interpreted as pain.


Author wrote:
> their vets were warming the Lupron before giving the shot.
> Does this do anything to the Luprons effectiveness? I know
> that may sound like a silly question if there are vets that
> are already doing this. But my vet does not, and if there
> is no adverse effect on the Lupron being warmed.