Message Number: SG2020 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-10-29 20:53:31 UTC
Subject: alergyes in ferrets
Message-ID: <17139431.1035924811671.JavaMail.root@scandium>

is it possible for aferret to have an alergy to something the
same way we do my little barnaby has had a runny nose for a
little over a month now. this seems to be draining into his
throat cousing swallowing and breathing problems. i am able to
keep the dust about 85% under control, and the wood pellets i
use are white pine. i am unsertan about this but he sure acts
like an alergy. (there is a little more info. in a previose
post "new member question" thanks.

rich samantha & barnaby & the ghost of pogo