Steve Austin
Date: 2002-11-02 16:50:40 UTC
Subject: abdominal mass
Message-ID: <19700234.1036266813746.JavaMail.nobody@magnesium>
I just had someone call me about a ferret that they adopted
from the club I am in, he just collapsed while playing.
Was completely out of it and limp, first I thought insulinoma
and told them to try honey, no help. He did move a little
and pee and poop was a little loose. He was brought
to me last night, felt a little cold, couldn't get any blood
from his nails- wouldn't bleed. So I was worried about
shock, gave him some SQ fluids, called a shelter owner
for advice and then a friend whose vet does emergencies.
I could feel a mass in the ferret's abdomen and was worried
about foreign body, he drank water and was grinding a lot.
Got to the vet with the owners and the vet took x-rays the
mass is huge, and near the kidney. He did an aspirate and
results will be back monday. I am going to post when we
get the pathology, but in the meantime he is grinding and
won't eat anything, getting sq fluids. He is more alert than
yesterday, but no strength. I was wondering how much
SQ a day if he isn't drinking?
I am going to try carafate, but if the grinding is because
mass is pushing on something, or he does have multiorgan
involvement it may not help much-
any other advice?