Message Number: SG2117 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "Stephanie"
Date: 2002-11-05 22:52:20 UTC
Subject: Adrenal Surgery Cost/Vet Recommendation
To: <>
Message-ID: <007f01c2851e$0074e890$fe01a118@computer>

Hi. My 2.5 yr old ferret has been diagnosed with adrenal disease and is cu=
rently being treated with lupron while we investigate surgery options.

Can someone please give me an idea of the cost of adrenal surgery? Both re=
gular and cryo surgery? To compare it would be useful to know what was inc=
luded in the cost of your surgery (pain meds, fluids, histopath, etc.)

Does anyone have an recommendations for vets good with ferrets and ferret s=
urgery in or around the area of Albany, NY? I am willing to consider vets =
in western Mass and vermont as those are reasonable close by.

I am planning to have the surgery done but my current vet is very expensive=
across the board and I only know of her clinic in the area that treats fer=
rets and am looking to expand my options a little if possible.

Thank you for your help.
Stephanie G.