Message Number: SG2154 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Sukie Crandall
Date: 2002-11-07 03:55:00 UTC
Subject: important administrative note
Message-Id: <a05200f01b9ef9247baef@[]>

Due to a problem with Smartgroups some of our moderators, including
Dr. Williams, have been finding it hard or impossible to access the
site. Some things can be done remotely, but not all.

You aren't being ignored here at the Ferret Health List; we just are
dealing with difficulties.

Because of this, it really is a very good idea to be extra careful to
follow all the rules such as not including a huge quote and so on.
If we can't edit off easily changed things like long quotes then we
will just have to reject posts for rewriting. You can find the rules
in the Files section of the website.

We've let support know so that they can hopefully repair this rapidly.