Message Number: SG2176 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-11-09 01:50:30 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Adrenal Surgery Cost/Vet Recommendation
Message-ID: <25579503.1036806630069.JavaMail.root@scandium>

Author wrote:
> Hi, Tiffany,
> > Why doesn't your vet believe in cryo?
> In the case of a right adrenal gland he's seen two problems. The first
> is usually a tiny piece of the affected gland attached to the vena cava
> is left in. He is adamant that if you leave any of the gland in you
> pretty much always leave part of the tumor and the disease in. No cure
> that way. Worse is the case where a tiny bit of the vena cava is
> accidentally frozen and dies. If the ferret is closed up when this was
> done he/she eventually bleeds out and dies.

Dear Caitlyn:

This does not appear to be true - the vena cava is very resistant to freezing and even if you hold the cryoprobe there, you don't see post-operative complications.

While your vet is correct in that in many cases, especially malignancies, any residual tissue likely contains the tumor and the tumor regrows - cryo actually is probably more effective than sharp dissection at killing off more of the tumor.

there is, however, a comfort zone that many vets have which should not be blithely crossed. If your vet is more comfortable , and more importantly, more successful doing it the old fashioned way, then more power to him. However, if he has not done cryo, then these particular theories of his probably could use some actual testing.

With kindest regards,

Bruce Williams, DVM