Message Number: SG2193 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Sukie Crandall
Date: 2002-11-10 20:13:29 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Proglycem and cardiomyopathy?
Message-Id: <a05200f02b9f46dbdfce8@[]>

>While it may have just been a typo, I wanted to make the correction
>that Enacard (enalapril) is not a >BRONCHOdilator, but a
>vasodilator. Bronchodilators act on the small airways leading to
>the lungs, >while vasodilators cause dilation of the small blood
>vessels. Very different medications and very >different actions.

Thank you SO much for catching my error. I was exhausted enough
yesterday that perhaps i should not have been on line.

It sure was a whopper of a mistake on my part!

So, folks, ignore what I said on that regard and go by what the good vet says!