Message Number: SG2276 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Angela Espinet
Date: 2002-11-17 16:15:46 UTC
Subject: Re:Young jill in season-or something else?
Message-ID: <32159823.1037555292603.JavaMail.nobody@vanadium>

Sounds as if the young jill is in season to me. There
are always exceptions to every rule and even though
the amount of light is being controlled, it appears
that she has not been fooled!
I would definitely get her to the vet tomorrow, if you
do not intend to breed her, you will need to spay
quickly, before the 'heat cycle' gets any further
underway and she then will be in danger of anemia.
There are ways of taking her out of heat if need be
and you may discuss the options with your vet, however
it would be imperative to do that soon!---Angela.