Message Number: SG2349 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-11-25 02:46:54 UTC
Subject: RE: Junior.
Message-ID: <10277723.1038192414574.JavaMail.root@scandium>

Dear Mary -

I'm a bit confused as well. The combination of metronidazole and chloramphenicol is a new one on me. Without knowing how elevated the liver values were a year ago, I have a bit of trouble establihsng in the diagnosis of liver disease was indeed valid, as liver disease is very uncommon in ferrets, and the symptoms are more suggestive of a bleeding ulcer.

At this point, I'd like to know the results of the latest blood test. An enlargee spleen is usually th resul toof chornic inflammation, especially in the GI tract, although there are other causes. However, I'm still in the dark, as the symptoms and treatment do not appear to be addidng up.

With kindest regards,

Bruce Williams, DVM

Author wrote:
> Hi Everyone, I have
> a few questions for you . I took my ferret (Junior) to a new vet today.
> One year ago Junior had what was diagnosed as liver disease. This was
> diagnosed through ultrasound and bloodwork( liver values came back
> high). Junior's symptoms at that time were an enlarged belly, muscle
> mass loss in the hind end, loss of color in his gums, nose, and paw
> pads. He was also nauseous and had no appetite. He was given actigal to
> correct the liver values, and in time it did work. He was on the meds
> for about 3 months when his bloodwork came back within normal range. He
> gained a little weight, and was a lot better, but never lost his little
> pot belly. The new vet told me that Junior's spleen is very enlarged and
> that he felt a lunp below the spleen . He did a blood chem and will call
> me when he has the results. He also put Junior on metronidazole .025
> twice a day. And chlorenphenicol ( if I spelled that correctly) 0.5
> twice a day. Junior has all the same symptoms as he had a year ago,
> except his appetite is still good. He was a little dehydrated though.
> Please let me know your thoughts as I am a bit confused. BTW I like the
> new vet!!!!!! Thank You, Mary