Date: 2002-11-28 03:32:20 UTC
Subject: RE: Post-op Ferret Not Eating - Help
Message-ID: <18209812.1038454340752.JavaMail.root@scandium>
The rule of thumb is 20 cc's, three times a day as a minimum. If he's not eating anything else, 10 cc's, twice a day is not enough. If that's all you can get him to eat at one time before it becomes a battle, that's OK, but you'll have to feed him that much more frequently than twice a day, perhaps as often as 4-6 times a day.
Spaz, who gets a couple high protein (baby food and A/D) meals a day, ate about 70 cc's in a 1.5 hour period last night! That's not the norm, but I fell asleep early, my wife fed him and when I woke up an hour or so later, I fed him, not knowing she had already done so. So he ate another 35 cc's without hesitation, the little piglet. He seems no worse for the very generous meal.
Author wrote:
> I'll start with my two questions first and then give some history. First, how much food can you force into a ferret belly at one time, my most recent force feeding was about 10cc's of Science Diet AD, is this too much, too little? I'm feeding that much about twice a day.