Message Number: SG2472 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Steve Austin
Date: 2002-12-03 19:09:35 UTC
Subject: Followup to Hair-loss patterns? And Adrenal (or other) questions
Message-ID: <21101866.1038944810688.JavaMail.nobody@strontium>

Lupron and melatonin will mask the hair loss and
swollen vulva.
I have seen and heard of many ferrets just cycling,
and even though still have adrenal will grow in a nice
coat and then lose it again later on, without any treatment.
I adopted a ferret with a dime size patch of hairloss, I
suspected adrenal, but two vets wanted to wait and see
since I just got her. SHe grew in a nice coat, looked
great, come the following spring just shed and kept going.
Lost all her fur 1/3 her body in about 2 weeks.

However, there are many cases where
a ferret goes downhill fast. They are very stoic, and
mask their disease until they can't compensate anymore.


I'm wondering if his original
> owners
> might have given him some treatment to mask his symptoms, including
> the
> hairloss, just long enough for him to be fobbed off on someone? I
> know,
> quite a stretch, but from what I've been reading lately, it just
> seems like
> Teddie is going downhill much faster than I would expect.