Message Number: SG2488 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-12-05 03:13:00 UTC
Subject: RE: Bleeding from Left Ear
Message-ID: <14916871.1039057980129.JavaMail.root@scandium>

Dear No Name:

This is a case that probably shoudl be carefully worke up and the ear flushed and canal examined under anesthesia.

Truly, a middle/inner ear infection, could result in the signs that you mention - the bleeding from the ear as well as the disorientation - the result of inner ear inflammation (the inner ear controls balance). Ear mites can rarely precipitate such an infection, and then bacterial colonization of the ear canal occurs.

The possibility of head traum ais always there, but is very unusual in ferrets, much more so than a bad ear infection. However, an X-ray of the head should also be performed to examine for fractures of the bones surrounding the middle inner ear (he tympanic bulla, or small fractures of the skull in that area.

Aother possibility is that there can be a growth or tumor in the ear canal that is bleeding. This would be pretty easily picked up if a good exam of the ear canal is performed under anesthesia.

With kindest regards,

Bruce Williams, DVM

> I have never heard of ear bleeding in ferrets and would like advice
> and opinions before seeing the new vet on Thursday (including if I
> should wait that long). I like to be prepared when seeing the vet, to
> be able to ask intelligent questions. I also want to make sure their
> isn't another possibility, one that would make taking him in to the vet
> sooner.
> Could there0 be another cause other than infection? My kids are
> free-ranging and haven't had any accidents before, but could this
> have been caused by a fall instead?
> Thank you for taking the time to answer.