Message Number: SG2541 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-12-10 21:52:55 UTC
Subject: RE: Chomping noises- Dr. Williams can you respond too...
Message-ID: <8152933.1039557175401.JavaMail.root@scandium>

Sounds like time for some behavioral modification.

To encourage him to drink more overtly try different delivery methods. Some ferrets prefer bottles, some prefer bowls. You can add a little flavor to the fluid with things like gravy bases or broth bases (Read the labels and okay them with the vet since some are better avoided, or with your own cooked down concentrate, or with bits of a/d (Freeze it in small barches like mini-icecube trays and used bits of a cube over two days.) and let him fill up on fluids. Some love Kayolyte or other electrlyte solutions and when they need to drink, they need to drink, so that coul,d be worht a try to shape him toward accepting more fluids in general and then more water.

He'll need exercise. That means that you wil have to move around with him: playing, walking, creating puzzles.

Bad breath has a large number of possible causes. Are there any other symptoms? Were any other tests done?

Are you restricting his calories so that he is on a gradual diet?