Linda Miller
Date: 2002-12-15 05:08:28 UTC
Subject: Update on Seiko
Message-ID: <26229061.1039930499790.JavaMail.nobody@vanadium>
Hello everyone-
I had meant to post earlier but forgot about it. I posted about Seiko
(being a kit) was having bloody stools. They only happened for one day,
but he was due for the vet so I took him in. The vet came to the
assumption that with him being a kit, his food was not properly digested
and when passed, caused an anal tear. That sounds just right
considering the night before I hadn't softened his food (I forgot to). I'm
really glad it was nothing more than that, and now he's doing just fine
and his poops are normal. Thanks to anyone who replied back or sent
me an email concerning the problem. :)
Linda + Seiko >^.^<