Date: 2002-12-19 04:22:31 UTC
Subject: RE: Recurring Infection, advice needed
Message-ID: <6781328.1040274146932.JavaMail.nobody@strontium>
Thanks for the advice. Regarding Dr. ______. I am very familiar with
his office. Dr. _____ is the exotic vet there, and ________
We considered Merlin for having Adrenal disease when I first adopted
him. He has no other sypmtoms of adrenal. Should I even waste my
time on a Tennessee Panel? Or should I just get him exploratory
surgery at this point? Also, what if it is just crystals? We also
considered this, but what would I change his diet to? I know science
Diet makes food for cats/dogs with crystals, but what in the world would I
put Merlin on? Also, wouldnt my vet be able to feel if his prostrate was
enlarged? He does not strain to pee.
Thanks again!!!
Natasha and Merlin
[Administrative note on a review of policy: vets may be mentioned for
recommendations but discussions of treatments in conjunction with vet
or hospital names just is not allowed. It sounds strange but had to be
started because of an abuse in the past. -- Moderator]