Sukie Crandall
Date: 2002-12-30 23:27:38 UTC
Subject: IMPORTANT REMINDER FOR MEMBERS (administrative note)
Message-id: <a05200f06ba3684b6d7d6@[]>
Smartgroups on and off will have functions down for one or more moderators.
When rules are broken and all the functions are up we can put in
extra work and edit posts to fit the rules, by removing long quotes
for example which is probably the most common correction we need to
make, BUT when the functions are not all working right posts which
break the rules will just sit and sit till one of us can get access.
It is in YOUR INTEREST to therefore follow the rules; there are only
a few of them so they aren't hard to learn or follow.
The rules are at:
Note that the cross-posting rule is for your own posts only! You
MUST have author's permission to cross-post anyone else's work
without violating copyright law, but as per copyright law you may
paraphrase or use short quotes. Better still, just pass on a URL
for an interesting post and let people read a person's own words.
(Guess I am just running into too many long and needless quotes
recently... ;-) )
End of ferrethealth Digest