Message Number: SG352 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Pam Sessoms
Date: 2002-07-17 18:02:22 UTC
Subject: protein electrophoresis
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Hey everyone,

So. About a month ago I adopted a sweet little old lady rescue ferret
named Tammy. There is no history on her because she was left in an empty
apartment. Her teeth look around 8 yrs old or so. Very skinny, obviously
adrenal, lots of stumbling and falling over at first, somewhat
incontinent. She's tons and tons better now, has gained a lot of weight
and is responding beautifully to Lupron.

On baseline bloodwork back in June, the immediate concern was high total
protein and elevated globluins (Antech: TP 9.6, glob 5.08). She was ADV
negative on the United Test. Also had some mildly elevated kidney values
and mild elevations in and ALT and alkphos (normal bilirubin). We
re-tested her recently, and TP and globulins were still elevated (TP 7.8,
glob 5.7 in-house; TP 8.3, glob 5.3 at Antech). Mild elevation in
Creatinine (1.2) still present, liver values down now. Dilute urine.
Probably early chronic kidney failure.

SO, wanting to learn more about the nature of the protein/globulin
specifics, we had a protein electrophoresis done:

Total Protein 8.3 g/dl (5.5-7.6)
Albumin 3.0 g/dl (2.4-4.5)
Alpha 1 0.77 g/dl
Alpha 2 1.54 g/dl
Beta 1.71 g/dl
Gamma 1.24 g/dl

Problem is, there does not seem to be much out there about interpreting
these in ferrets. Can anyone help? It doesn't look like ADV, but I
thought that maybe with the recent interest in ADV that perhaps more
electrophoresis is being done and maybe someone would have ideas on this
one. My vet will say it's suggestive of a mild non-specific inflammatory
response, but where? I'd love to be able to use these results to help
pinpoint some of Tammy's troubles.

She is getting around a lot better but continues to have some trouble
walking, especially when she first gets moving. Her back legs hyperextend
to totally straight and her hocks lock up. Her back stays arched; she
does not flatten out like many ferrets who are weak in the back end. Her
face twists to the right - genetic defect? She does grind her teeth a bit
after eating and has been treated for Helicobacter with Amoxi and Biaxin
and Carafate. Tooth grinding better since treatment but not gone. Has
always had lovely, perfect poop, never black or tarry.

Any ideas on the electrophoresis? Key abnormal blood values below.

Best wishes,
-Pam S.

June 11 (antech)
TP 9.6 (5.5-7.6)
alb 3.9 (2.4-4.5)
glob 5.7 (? - 4.9)
alkphos 127
alt 666
tot bili 0.3
bun 33
creat 1.1 (h)
calcium 10.5 (borderline high)

July 12 (in-house)
TP 7.8 (5.2-7.3)
albumin 2.72 (2.6-3.8)
globulin 5.08 (1.8-3.1)
alkphos 72
alt 153
tot bili 0.27
bun ? high normal
creat 1.2 (h)

July 12 (antech)
TP 8.3
globulin 5.3