Message Number: SG45 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-07-01 23:40:20 UTC
Subject: more useful A/V heart block info

I was wondering if any of the vets would have an explanation of my 8-year old silvermitt girl's hair loss.

When she first starting losing the hair at the base of her tail, I was convinced she had adrenal problems. She had an ultrasound and her adrenals looked fine. She also had strange temperature spikes which caused me to take her to the vet approx every 6-8 weeks for (cortisone?) injections to get her temp down.

I decided to go for exploratory surgery and the vet confirmed her adrenals were normal but her liver was marbled throughout and the biopsy came back as suspected lymphosarcoma.

She's on Prednisone daily and seems to be holding her own. No
more temperature spikes. However she is losing more and more hair - her tail and rump are bare, as are her feet, and her fur is looking decidedly threadbare. As we're in the middle of winter here in Australia, I'm thinking about getting a coat for her to keep her warm.

Many thanks for any suggestions/advice.
