Message Number: SG584 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-08-01 04:08:04 UTC
Subject: follow-up on temp used for making kibble
Message-ID: <14302493.1028174884082.JavaMail.root@scandium>

As requested I kept my eyes open for anything more on Acrylamide because of the discussion whether the temp that some kibble is made at may be important or not. These pretty well cover all the points in relation to starches and few in relation to meats at high temps when taken together:

The articles are not ferret-specific but do relate to any earlier discussion on extrdued ferrets foods that are prepared at high temps, and they do answer a number of the questions raised in that discussion, so are on-topic in that regard, though I feel more comfy just giving the URLs rather than any small quotes since they aren't written about ferret or cat kibbles.