Message Number: SG635 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-08-04 03:05:45 UTC
Subject: Re: Kodi and adrenal tx
Message-ID: <29265834.1028430345866.JavaMail.root@scandium>

Author wrote:
>> Dr. Jerry Murray DVM writes: " ... in my practice both adrenal glands
>> usually end up being a problem and the right adrenal gland is harder
> I have to agree with that - some of my ferrets had one adrenal out
> (usually the left, but sometimes the right), the other gland appearing
> completely small, smooth and normal, then a year or so later, the other
> had to be removed. Some needed BOTH at the same time - but all (12)
> ended up needing both removed

Among the things that Dr. Murray mentioned as a precaution was to provide true darkness. I don't know if that is part of why our experience is so different from your's but we have had very few have both adrenals involved. Approximately 1/2 of our's over the years wind up with adrenal neoplasia (all but two benign -- though one other may have had lympho move there late in the the illness -- with two being one who survived adenocarcinoma and one who had lympho first show up in his left adrenal). I think it's only been two ferrets here who had both adrenals involved. We have some very dark places for them to rest during their times out (all day and much of the night), and at night we cover their cages with 3 black polartec blankets to sheild out any extraneous lights since we can't afford a place large enough for the ferrets to have their own rooms. Oh, and I made black curtains for their one window (which is north facing and shaded).