Message Number: SG823 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Gail Elsey
Date: 2002-08-15 21:01:09 UTC
Subject: Reaction
Message-id: <019d01c2449e$e4199ac0$c500a8c0@landerson>

Shadow went to go get his distemper shot. They did not (notice the past tense) carry Purevac, but will starting next week. An order was put in today due to an overwhelming number of reactions in this past year.

I gave Shadow 1 ml of Benadryl 35 minutes before the shot. He was also given a steriod shot. then the distemper. Within 10 minutes, he was throwing up. At 15 minutes he was semi conscious. Luckily, the vet and I were waiting for a reaction. He got some epinedrine, more Benadryl, and a nice O2 tent. We spent an hour discussing reactions and their common occurrence within the past couple of years. As we were warned this boy has reacted in the past, we pre-treated. I guess I should have waited for the new vaccine to arrive, but with multiple ferrets coming in, and a distemper outbreak this summer in NJ, I felt he needed to be given the vaccine. Next time I will wait. I am just happy his lungs remained clear.

He is now sitting in my lap, the vet is 7 minutes away and open all night. there is also an emergency clinic across the street (literally). I will continue giving Benadryl for the next few hours and let him sleep as much as possible.