Message Number: SG877 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Cecilia McNamara
Date: 2002-08-19 05:22:19 UTC
Subject: confused and sleepy
To: "" <>
Message-ID: <>

Our eight year old female ferret has up to now been part of a group of
ferrets. Just recently she has begun soiling anywhere she is. She does
have "proliferative bowel decease" and has had a prolapsed rectum a
couple of times however her behind looks ok right now and what comes out
is normal. She is eating and drinking but sleeping all the time. She is
also very weird when she gets out. She runs around with no apparent
idea where she is going or awareness of her surroundings. She runs and
runs and then will stop suddenly and stare into space. She feels
"wired". After a bit of that she will then fall immediately to sleep
and not notice if anything is happening at all. Even her favorite food
place under her nose wont wake her up. We are quite familiar with how
deep a ferret can sleep but this is 2 minutes after she was wide awake
and running around "wired". Does anyone know what could be going on?

Thanks for your help.

Cecilia and the Ten Terrors