Pam Sessoms
Date: 2002-08-20 16:45:30 UTC
Subject: Lymphoma - 10% chemo success rate?
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Hey all,
Hopefully this is a quick question. In reading through the archives about
chemotherapy (beyond just pred) for ferrets with lymphoma, I have found a
couple of statements that chemo regimines only work in about 10% of cases.
We're talking adult lymphoma, not juvenile.
My ferret Tammy (the one with the back knees that get locked up) has now
been officially diagnosed with lymphocytic lymphosarcoma in the peripheral
nodes. The pathology report also gave this chemo 10% success rate.
I just searched Medline and can't find a published source for this figure,
and I didn't find it searching the archives. Does anyone know where this
10% number comes from? Is it based on a published paper, study, etc, or
is it more an estimate based on experiences of vets who see a lot of
Thanks for any pointers,
-Pam S.