Message Number: SG910 | New FHL Archives Search
From: MC
Date: 2002-08-20 14:47:51 UTC
Subject: More IBD help
Message-ID: <>

I too have a ferret with constant loose and running, sometimes 'explosive'
diarrhea. I have subjected the guy to 14 day administration of Flagyl
(MetraXXXXX) and seemed to have no affect. (He was most happy when *that*
ended. He can smell it when I come up the stairs and would run and hide!)

He eats like growing boy and drinks copious amounts of water. For being an
8 year old, undergoing Lupron for adrenal, he is quite active and shows no
outward appearances of any sustained illness. (Other than the above
mentioned symptoms.) I have changed his diet several times, trying to see
if his diet was responsible.....I feed a mix of TF, Ferret Store, and
Mazuri, so I just fed him a constant diet of a single brand of kibble,
instead of the mix. It had no effect on him.

My question is: What tests are there for IBD or helicobacter? Or, should
I just start him on a regimen of Pred or PediaPred right off? (I have a
bubblegum flavored bottle of PediaPred already) At what dosage should I
start? (He weighs 2.5 pounds)
