Message Number: SG915 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-08-20 14:01:13 UTC
Subject: Goku vomited 5 times in less than 2 min.
Message-ID: <15975488.1029852073740.JavaMail.root@scandium>

Hi everyone. I need some help. My baby scared me to death last night. I =
was in another room when Brandon came running and said Goku was getting sic=
k. I ran to their cage and the poor thing was heaving so bad. It was like=
a hiccuping noise, like he was trying to get whatever it was up, then he t=
hrew up, shaking his head in the process, backing up away from what was com=
ing out. Then he took two steps, did it again, ran for one of his sleeper =
things, hid inside and puked again, then he ran down to the bottom of the c=
age where the litter boxes are, puked there, then he thought he was done so=
he tried to go back to the middle level, but stopped when he has halfway i=
n the tunnel, held on for dear life and projectile vomited through the tunn=
el to the other side, I'm talking Exorcist range. After this, he seemed to=
kinda calm down, and let me get him out so he could drink out of a bowl of=
water that Brandon got for him. He seemed fine after that, walking around=
and checking out their toys that were out and even started playing with Ki=
ra. I called the vet and told him what happened, and he said for me not to=
feed him the rest of the night and if everything went ok to give him food =
in the morning. I was kinda reluctant to do it at first and I asked him if=
he could have like a spoonfull of baby chicken food or anything like that =
and he said no, so I didn't. I put Goku in the other cage we have so that =
I could monitor what was in the litter box and see if he got sick again. H=
e did have a water bottle though. He was fine throughout the night, didn't=
get sick, so I put some food in the cage with him this morning and he was =
happy about that. =

So, is he ok now? He seems perfectly fine, and I did what the vet told=
me to do, but you know me with my babies - I worry. The only other time I=
ever saw Goku get sick was when he was eating, choked, puked, then was fin=
e. Is there anything I should worry about due to last night? What should =
I give him to make him better? =

Thanks in advace to any replies.

Keldah =
