Date: 2002-08-21 19:10:11 UTC
Subject: Adrenal Disease
Message-ID: <15842414.1029957011105.JavaMail.root@scandium>
My 2 year old ferret is showing signs of adrenal disease. He is
a Marshall Farms ferret, and has been fed the Marshall Farm brand
food ever since I've had him. I have an appointment with my vet this Friday. I have only taken my ferrets to this particular vet for their vaccinations. I have tried to gather as much in- formation as I can. It is my understanding that surgery is usually the preferred option. I agree, and my question is
about the different ways of doing the surgery. I've read about laser and cryosurgery, which is best? Also, if my vet does not do this, how do I find a surgeon in my surrounding area that does do it this particular way? Thank you for your help.