Date: 2002-08-23 05:00:14 UTC
Subject: re: Pau d'arco - experiences shared
Message-ID: <33088642.1030078814919.JavaMail.root@scandium>
SOrry that your ferret is feeling poorly - but my suggestion is ( as always I am NOT a vet) confer with your vet and try adjusting pred or adding proglyucem for relief of symptoms.
In the past our shelter dove in and tried pau'darco for lymphoma payients and what we found out is that many of the herbs & holistc treatments which are for humans ( not sterilized) do not fit the altered pets. Pau'darco has ingredients which tend r-to drop blood sugar levels- BECAUSE insulinoma is a contributing factor in the health of many ferrets those who have insulinoma or are borderline are aaffected ADVERSELY by y PAU'DARCO in our experiences it was not worth the risk - nor did we have the ability to finely balance the treatments. Likewise application of licorice root in ferrets is another powder keg- if the doseage is too high or continued for too long the result is hyperadrenal activity- and hey guess what teh ferrets have that problem without licorice root. Make sure you consyult a vet who is schooled in the herbal arts before you start using them OR you could make your pets problem much worse.
at ferret Wise