Message Number: YG10046 | New FHL Archives Search
From: sukieferret
Date: 2002-01-11 20:35:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Adrenal Disease

you will find vets listed in, and in
the Files section here at (BOTH the
recommended vets file and the shelter list file)

Blood work and tests depend on the ferret , and what types of
blood work you mean, and why the ultrasound is recommended.

For apparent adrenal growths we usually skip the TN panel but
we usually do other blood work like glucose levels and CBC.

We Usually skip ultrasounds before that surgery but they can be
useful in knowing how large a prostate is, and if we have any
concern that heart disease may be present we don't go into
surgery without checking to be safest.

I'm not a vet, but I do have over 19 and 1/2 years of experience
with ferrets and am trusted by some reputable vets.

BTW, it is often best to ask other experts and folks with
experience here besides just the vets. There are several
reasons for that. Most obvious: many questions can be
answered as well by non-vets, so that leaves the ones that are
stumpers for the heavy-hitters (vets and special experts) to