Message Number: YG10136 | New FHL Archives Search
From: miamiferret
Date: 2002-01-15 20:04:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Spleen causing breathing problems

I've spent many hours walking around with a ferret over my shoulder
to ease breathing. That is, the ferret's forelegs and head on my
shoulder and the rest of the body vertically down my chest,
supporting their bottom but keeping them slightly extended. Seemed
to help, though I can't say whether this is the right thing to do in
your case.


--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "Debbie Utter" <dutter@n...> wrote:
> As a "PS" to my earlier post, Klondike's breathing is pretty
labored. I think it's because the spleen is in a different position
due to the vet's exam earlier (the spleen is wrapped around the
stomach, and quite large). Is there any way I can keep him
comfortable before surgery Thursday? This may be a silly question,
and maybe no position will ease his comfort, but it never hurts to
ask. Would he be more comfortable on his belly, back or side? Would
it be better for him to be straight, rather than curled up.
> I don't want there to be too much strain on his heart between now
and Thursday's surgery.
> Thanks!