Message Number: YG10165 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Ferretwise
Date: 2002-01-16 15:36:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] 50% Protein in a ferret's diet

Hello Sirron-

As I understand it protein takes many forms. Ferrets being obligate
carnivores need meat proteins rather than plant (corn) proteins.
There is an art to reading the labels of the ferret foods --
the listings do not necessarily let you know what the proteins are
v fillers, starches, etc.

I would think that yes, you need more protein than fat - as fat
burns quicKly-- perhaps a vet or nutritionist can best answer this

Ferret Wise

At 01:48 PM 1/16/02 -0500, you wrote:

Is 50% protein in a ferret's diet to much? I am only asking about
the protein percentage.

Thank you,
Ronald B. O'Hara