Message Number: YG10340 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Soledad Gómez Flores
Date: 2002-01-21 17:39:00 UTC
Subject: How much Linatone is too much?


First of all, thank you for your kind answers to my previous
posts. Here in Chile, ferrets are new pets and there's not
much information. We have to surf the net to find out some
answers. Now I have another question:

I read in the book by Dr. Quesenberry "Ferrets, Rabbits, and
Rodents: Clinical Medicine and Surgery", that when a ferret is
eating cat food we should include in his diet 1ml of Linatone
daily. Ringo, my 8 month old ferret is eating Eukanuba Kitten.

I bought Ferret Linatone (Lambert Kay), so I'm wondering if
daily linatone is necessary or should I give him a few drops
once in a while as a treat. I've also read that Ferretone
contains Vitamin A which in high quantities can lead to
medical problems. Is this true? Is the same with Ferret
Linatone? Are there differences between these products? In the
botlle says: " ...daily use, adults: 3/4 tsp; growing,
pregnant or nursing ferrets: 1 1/2 tsp"

If it helps, here's the ingredient list and quantities PER

Linoleic Acid (From soybean oil) 2,200 mg
Linolenic Acid (From soybean oil) 300 mg
Vitamin A 1,500 I.U.
Vitamin D3 120 I.U.
Vitamin E 1,5 I.U.
Inositol (from Lecithin) 1,0 mg

PD Can anyone explain to me what I.U. means and how can I
messure 1 ml?

Thanks, in advanced. Ringo and I read the list on daily basis.
It't been very helpful, mostly because the wondeful and loving

Soledad & Ringo (taking a nap)