Message Number: YG10365 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-01-21 18:27:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Distemper and Rabies

In a message dated 01/21/02 8:57:33 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I recently had one of my ferrets to the vet (he is two) just for
vacinations. He has already had these shots twice this was the
third. On the way home he became so ill, he was vomiting
it was horrible. I drove so fast back to vet and they said he was

having a reaction. I am now afraid to get any of my ferrets
Has anyone had this experience, is it really necessary to have
shots. I had a ferret for 10 years she only got the distemper,
however now my vet says if I dont get the rabies also they would
to put him to sleep if he were to bite anyone. The vet also feels

the reaction came from the distemper not the rabies. Any advice
would be realy appreciated. Thanks Chrissy

Ferrets are prone to having reactions to their vaccines. A good
rule to follow is to separate the vaccines by at least two weeks
(ie, do not give the distemper and rabies vaccines at the same
time), and to wait in the vet's office for at least a half hour
following the vaccination so that any reaction can be treated
rapidly. Many times pretreatment with Benadryl will prevent or
reduce the severity of reactions.

In my opinion, yes, the vaccines are necessary. Distemper is fatal.
Rabies is rare in ferrets, but your vet is correct - if he should
bit or even scratch someone, he runs the risk of being killed for

Dr. Ruth
Save lives - spay or neuter your pet.